Tales of a Georgia Peach!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

I have been thinking alot about my life and the way that I live it. I have a great life but there are a lot of changes that I want to make. First off I am going to get my house in order and organized. It's clean, very clean, but I hold on to every thing. I am going to find a church that I feel that I am learning what God wants me to. I am going to start cooking two meals every time that I cook so that I can have a stockpile in the freezer. I do have to start back to work in January, so if I have things in the freezer my family can still have a healthy meal every night. I am going to start exercising every day. I need to start taking better care of myself. I don't want to become one of my patients. I really want to be a happier person this year. I am really going to start working on selling things on my etsy site. I would love to not have to work at the hospital any longer. If I could just go in and take care of my patients and spend time with them and not have to worry about the paper work and who is watching over my back, I would love my job. But its not that way and it never will be. We have talked about trying to have a baby this year. I am so very excited about this and scared to death at the same time. I have set guite a few goals for myself this year. I want to learn some new things, rug hooking, knitting socks, I want to grow some new things in the garden, and I want to find new recipes to make with what I grow. I plan to make all sorts of salsa's, jams, jellies, chutneys, and things like that for Christmas gifts next year. I have received some very good cookbooks and canning books over the last month or so that is going to help me with that. I also plan to get my recipes organized, in binders and on cards. I want to get rid of my magazine collections and make room for other things. So I plan on making a big scrap book of the things I like out of the magazines that I have and recycle the left overs. I am now a Stampinup Demonstrator, so I will be having some Stampinup camps here at my home as well. Its going to a busy and fun happy organized year! Oh and I get to split up my weekends between Eric and Morgan. He will be racing every weekend from February to April for the Wake Forest cycling team. Morgan will playing volleyball during that time and then go straight into soft ball. I won't have a single free weekend this spring. Oh well.

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